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Database Development

A web database is a system used to store information that can then be accessed via website. At its most simple form, a web database is a set of one or more tables that contain data. Each table has different fields for storing various types of information. These tables can then be linked together or cross-referenced in order to present data in useful ways.

A database is managed with a collection of programs called a Database Management System or DBMS. OrangeSpike.com can help you set up your business, or you can always do it on your own. Just remember that beforeyou create your own database there are some things you need to consider.

Know what job you expect it to perform
Is the database meant to replace a paper-based or manually performed information tracking system you previously used?

Know what “objects” this database is supposed to store
By objects we mean what data is meant to be stored, whether this is in the form of images, transactions, text, even customer statements, inventory lists, management reports, among others.

Kinds Of Databases

There are actually different kinds of database for the different purposes they serve, but they can all be categorized aseither Enterprise or Personal. Enterprise DBMS are designed primarily for use with corporations, governments or the military. They are built to deal with and handle large amounts of data coming in and out all the time.

Personal DBMS are meant designed to be used as learning tools or in low-demand situations like those you may run into while working on personal projects, but don’t let its name fool you; personal DBMS can be ideal for some small businesses. The main difference between the two is scalability, which refers to how well the database handles multiple simultaneous transactions. The higher the scalability, the more “data transactions” a database can handle.
Enterprise DBMS can handle up thousands of data transactions happening at the same time. Personal DBMS? It’s better not to really on them for really heavy transactions.

Choosing The Right Database

Go for a personal DBMS if you are only managing a family, hobby or casual website. It has been already mentioned that that a personal DBMS can also be utilized for small businesses. Just how do you determine if your personal database is still up to the task of keeping data for a small business? There is no hard and fast rule, but the rule of thumb is that if you have more than 25 people transacting with your site at any given time, you should probably think of getting an enterprise DBMS.

We Can Cover All Your Bases

Whether you need a small workhorse database for your casual website or a really heavy-duty one for your company, our developers at OrangeSpike.com can help you set up your database.

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