Web Development

Building a website from ground up has its challenges. Besides look and feel there are many things to consider like updating, managing and keep it current on every day basis. Then there’s, the data collection, analytics and its use for other media.

Dynamic Website Development

Today’s websites are responsive and dynamic according to the user’s electronic portal. Static websites and webpages still have their purpose, but in user experience is the key element in dynamic websites.

Web Application Development

Web apps have allowed websites to evolve from the boring pictures they once were to the fully-interactive sites they are now. Sometimes some websites require their own web apps to be able to function fully and efficiently.At Mundolance.com we can make web apps specifically tailored to your needs of your website.

Database Development

Whether you run a small family site or a huge corporation that entertains hundreds of clients at once, you need a database to store all your data. Then again, it’s not just about storage; your database must be able to find that data you are looking for and relate and refer them to other data you are looking for. You can go for those databases readily available out there, but here’s a better idea; we can make one for you.

E-Commerce Website Development

A website for selling stuff should look and feel different from a website where you can brag about your kids or your photography skills. We know how to build one for you because we know it should look like, what it should do, what it should have and what it needs more of.

CMS Development

The bigger your website is the more data you have to add, remove or update. You can’t do it all so you have to trust other to make those changes. Isn’t that a security nightmare in the making? CMS makes sure only those who are supposed to handle your data can handle your data, and Mundolance.com can make sure you can have a good CMS.

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