Website Proposal

Prepared for Acme Corp

by Ella Castle


We’re excited to work together

In our blog post on the Anatomy of Perfect Proposal, we discuss the importance of clearly identifying the bottom line ROI a business can expect from engaging your services. To create a winning proposals, you need to clearly contextualise your service as having a direct relationship to the bottom line. Below is a quick example.

During our meeting on 12th of October one of the core business challenges that ACME Corp is facing today is that its current website has a very low conversion rate.

Less than %3 of users convert to making a purchase on the site.

In order to grow revenue ACME Corp needs to markedly increase the conversion rate for non-purchasing users to purchasing users.

Company Name have identified a number of weak areas in ACME Corps current website that are choking conversion rates. These include:

  • Overall site design issues
  • UX and Information Architecture problems
  • Responsiveness for mobile and tablet.

With our expertise in web design and development, Company Name is proposing to overhaul ACME’s website and relaunch it. We’re confident we can deliver significantly increased conversion rates and help ACME to realise its revenue goals for the year and beyond.

“Acme really delivered in spades”

Anthony Walker

Chief Revenue Officer, Mega Inc.

We Raised Mega’s Conversion Rate By 84%

A Data-Driven Success Story.

If you’ve been in business awhile, and you’re good at what you do – you should have a success story under your belt. Ideally, you’ve got a success story from a similar kind of client to the one you’re pitching.The most compelling way to tell this kind of success story, especially for an SEO company, is through data. Remember: always bring back your service offering to the bottom line of the business. Tell the story of challenge, solution and return-on-investment.

Mega Inc had great success with their guerrilla marketing campaigns, generating a 50k uniques to their site each month organically. But they were struggling to convert that traffic into revenue.

The problem was Mega’s website. The calls to action were not clear, the user experience was confusing, the load time of the site was slow and the mobile experience was seriously broken.

That’s why they called us.

We implemented a full overhaul of Mega Inc’s website design, UX and code base – with the following results.

  • An 84% increase in paid conversion
  • A corresponding 310% lift in revenue
  • A 15% improvement in active user rates

Yes, you read that right, our new website implementation led directly to a 310% jump in revenue.

(Some nice graphics to illustrate your data-narrative are always helpful) 

Our Process

What to expect working with us

Clients may have no idea what to expect from working with you. Perhaps they’ve never worked with a web design or development agency before. Or maybe they have, but your approach is different. So it can be helpful to clearly lay out what your approach and process is. This is also an opportunity to differentiate yourself from the competition. To explain what about your approach is unique and valuable.

The Company Name takes an wholistic approach to design and development. We strive to understand your market, your audience and your core business drivers in-depth, so that we can correlate every design and engineering decision directly back to helping you achieve your business goals. 

We’re huge believers in the power of collaboration. The more fluid our communications, the more powerfully we can achieve your goals.

To deliver this outcome, our process has five stages:


We begin by performing a rigorous audit of your market space. Who is the core audience? What are their concerns and values? 


Prototyping involves rapid and collaborative iteration on wireframe concepts, layouts and directions. 


Once we’ve agreed on finalised prototypes the design team steps in to create high fidelity mockups of the final product.


Then we bring those mockups to life. Bring up the staging servers and code up the designs.

Launch & Measure

Finally, we go live to the world and measure the return on investment for you, with detailed analytics.

Project Scope

Inclusions and Exclusions

To prevent a client relationship from going sour, one of the most important aspects of the proposal is the scoping section. Here you can include information about what is included, and perhaps more importantly what is not included, in your service offering.

We value each client relationship highly and hope to foster a long and fruitful partnership with Acme. In the spirit of honest collaboration we feel its important to point out what you can expect of us, what we are, and are not, as an agency.

What’s included

  • Revisions: we have made affordance for feedback during the wireframing and design phases of the project. Its important to note that revisions requested outside of these phases will be charged at an additional hourly rate.
  • Quality Assurance Testing: We have strict testing and quality-assurance standards, and will have our in-house Q&A team vet all websites we deploy.
  • Post-Deployment Analytics Reporting: We will provide access to Google Analytics which will provide you with detailed metrics of your site’s performance.

What’s excluded

  • Video Collateral: We are not able to provide any motion graphics or video content.
  • Mobile App: Although this was discussed in our meeting Oct 12th, ACME have decided not to pursue the mobile app development at this time.

“Our monthly revenue went up by 245%”

Gavin Sampson

CEO, Big Dealz Co

Project Investment

If you have any questions about this quote, feel free to get in touch anytime at


Project strategy workshop
Competitor and Market Analysis


Wireframing & Paper Prototyping Workshop
First round of wireframes
Revision and feedback session
Second round of wireframes


Haskell, Scala, Fortran & Delphi Code
Infrastructure Setup
Testing and deployment implementation


Round #1 High Fidelity Mockups
Feedback Workshop Session
Round #2 SEO Experiments

Go Live & Measure

Analytics and Reporting Setup

TOTAL :$15000

Our Team

Inclusions and Exclusions

Ultimately the quality of your service offering is predicated on your people. Great teams to do great work. Simple as that. And clients know it. There is also value in putting a face to your proposal, of matching the offering to the human beings who will implement it.

Daelon Robkind


Daelon, our CEO, will be leading the team. He’s a designer, software engineer and marketer. He’s been a speaker at global conferences on SEO, and last year was #1 Fictional Person in the Forbes Top 100 Fictional Examples.

Marcelle McTantan 


Our COO, Marcelle McTanTan, will be marshalling the team to deliver the project on time and on budget. He is a former Googler, an expert rock climber, NSW Air Guitar champion and voted #1 Most Likely to Grow An Excellent Moustache by Harvard Business Review.

About us

A company video, that capture some of your approach and process, can be excellent way to reiterate your differentiation from competitor pitches.

Ultimately the quality of your service offering is predicated on your people. Great teams to do great work. Simple as that. And clients know it. There is also value in putting a face to your proposal, of matching the offering to the human beings who will implement it.

Marcelle McTantan 


Our COO, Marcelle McTanTan, will be marshalling the team to deliver the project on time and on budget. He is a former Googler, an expert rock climber, NSW Air Guitar champion and voted #1 Most Likely to Grow An Excellent Moustache by Harvard Business Review.

Next Steps

As outlined in the Investment section, our pricing is valid until [DATE]. To take advantage of this proposal and proceed with the project as outlined, {client_name}’s next steps must be to

  • Accept the proposal as-is
  • Discuss desired changes with {my_company}
  • Finalize and sign contract
  • Submit initial payment of 50 percent of total project fee

Once completed, {my_company} will contact {client_name} to schedule a project launch meeting to make introductions and gather information before beginning the work.

We’re happy to make changes to project scope on {client_name}’s request at any time, but may be subject to additional billing.

Ready to take the next step?

Get in contact with us

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